'When An ill Wind Blows From Afar! (Like from Japan Fukushima reactor)'

When An ill Wind Blows From Afar! (Like from Japan, Iran or North Korea!)

Surviving Radioactive Fallout & Radiation Contamination from Japan, Iran or North Korea

Also, Mid-East, South Korea, Pakistan, India, China, Russia, Chernobyl, etc. By Shane Connor
March 12th, 2011

This guide 'When An ill Wind Blows From Afar! (Like from Japan Fukushima reactor)' deals specifically with radioactive fallout that originated from afar, like a Chernobyl in the past,
or Iran in the future that's had its nuclear facilities bombed, releasing radioactive contamination into the atmosphere, or a North Korea gone mad, etc.
This guide provides panic dispelling knowledge so people downwind can more promptly initiate appropriate protective actions, as required.
This is the third in the series that begins with The Good News About Nuclear Destruction! at www.ki4u.com/goodnews.htm
that debunks the myths of nuclear un-survivability and What To Do If A Nuclear Disaster Is Imminent! at www.ki4u.com/guide.htm
that details the practical methods for American families to protect themselves from nuclear explosion(s) and fallout originating here.


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