Meddling Affair: McCain praises Ukraine protests as Brussels pulls from trade deal

Ukraine's locked in uncertainty - with both the government and the EU sending mixed signals over possibilities for future integration. As thousands remain on Kiev's main square demanding an agreement, a senior EU official signaled that all plans are on hold. And, in this hesitant atmosphere, it's the U.S. that seems to have assumed the role of decision-maker, as Aleksey Yaroshevsky reports. We discussed the American senators' unwavering support for Ukraine's opposition rallies with International Relations Professor Mark Sleboda. He thinks their involvement is driven by anything but genuine concern over the authorities' handling of peaceful protests. RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.

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