Public Domain Protest Song - Company Man (radio)

If you're mad about how much the banks, transnational corporations (hi Nike and WalMart!) and billionaires have ripped off this country then play these songs. Or better yet, do your own versions. Feel free to change lyrics, melody, whatever. Fifty thousand factories closed in the US in the last to years. Jobs are sent to cheap labor in China, Mexico, and India everyday. Any why? Because corporate powers have bought our government and lowered trade tariffs, given loop holes for building factories overseas and cut taxes for the super rich. So they get rich and we get no jobs, no tax revenue, and no middle class. People must wake up and pay attention to what their elected officials are doing and then stop voting for the ones who sell out America. This isn't left or right. Its up and down. So pick up a guitar, turn table, or plug in an iPod and play these songs loud as hell. - uploaded via

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