SFPD Ruthlessly Shoots and Kills Unarmed 19yr old Man over $2 Bus Fare

Rest In Peace Kenneth Harding Jr. The Family would like you to Support The Facebook page created for him at the link below http://www.facebook.com/pages/​RIP-Kenneth-Harding-JR/2131908​82060864?ref=ts&sk=wall Donations can be sent through any Wells Fargo Bank Kenneth Harding Jr. Account # 7734733202 Washington Account On Saturday July 16th,2011 San Francisco Police Department has added more fuel to the fire of the growing amount of problems in the City of San Francisco,California by killing yet another Unarmed African American 19 year old Male in the BayView Hunters Point District who they "CLAIM" had a pistol (which was never found and was also shooting back at them) This Young man takes his last breath of life on the streets of San Francisco, Thanks to the help of Cold Hearted Police officers. Where is our Tax Dollars really going? San Francisco Police Department Makes up a Fabricated Story in a effort to cover up their dirty work. DON'T BELIEVE THE HYPE, THIS MAN WAS UNARMED THE ENTIRE TIME FROM START TO FINISH

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