AGreenRoad - Jan. 2014 - Fukushima Expert Says Nuclear Reactors Cores Melted Into Ground Fukushima News 1/2/14: Nuclear Expert: Fukushima Reactor Cores Melted Into The Ground from MissingSky101 Published on Jan 2, 2014 Nuclear Expert: Fukushima reactor cores melted right down into the ground — That radioactive material is getting washed out into Pacific Ocean (AUDIO) Japan to set new policy for nuclear waste disposal. The Japanese government plans to revise a basic policy for disposing of nuclear waste so that it can play a more active role in selecting disposal sites. The industry ministry says starting early this year it will act on proposals submitted in November by a panel of experts. The government plans to store highly-radioactive waste from nuclear power plants deep underground. It has been asking local governments to come up with candidate sites under a law that came into effect in 2000. But no municipalities have stepped forward, and the government has still not secured any candidate sites. Nuclear plants unlikely to resume operations soon. Officials with the Nuclear Regulation Authority in Japan say no nuclear plants are likely to resume operations in the near future. They set new safety standards last July following the 2011 accident at Fukushima Daiichi. The guidelines call on operators to prepare for severe accidents and to reinforce facilities to make them earthquake-resistant. Seven utilities have applied for safety screenings for 9 plants so they can restart operations. Annual New Year sit-in held in Nagasaki. A group of atomic bomb survivors and other citizens have staged an annual New Year's Day sit-in in Nagasaki, calling for the elimination of nuclear arms. About 60 people took part in the event at the city's Peace Park on Wednesday. Speaking at the rally, 91-year-old former Nagasaki mayor Hitoshi Motoshima said helping create a peaceful world is the duty of Japan which inflicted damage and pain against the people of Asian nations during World War Two.

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