Fukushima News 8/22/14: Evacuation Zone Tourism;Tepco Starts Test-Treating Groundwater

TEPCO starts test-treating groundwater Nuclear & Energy Aug. 20, 2014 - Updated 06:30 UTC-4 The operator of the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant has begun a test on a new water management plan. It is removing radioactive materials in contaminated groundwater that would be released into the ocean if deemed safe. Tokyo Electric Power Company started the trial at the plant on Wednesday. Earlier, TEPCO pumped up about 500 tons of radioactive groundwater from drainage wells around the reactor buildings. In Wednesday's test, workers put about 290 tons of the water into the system to find how much it can reduce radioactive materials. So far, the results of the test have not been available. TEPCO says the treatment system will be able to reduce radioactive substances in the water to a range of one-thousandth to one-10 thousandth. Residents plan tour to Fukushima evacuation zone Nuclear & Energy Aug. 21, 2014 - Updated 13:17 UTC-4 A group of residents near Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant plans to organize guided tours of their hometown. The aim is to keep alive the memory of the 2011 nuclear accident. Areas in 7 municipalities around the nuclear plant are part of a designated no-entry evacuation zone due to high radiation levels there. Residents need to acquire permission to enter the area. A group of residents of Okuma town say they want outsiders to know that the impact of the accident still lingers. Okuma is one of two towns that host the plant. The residents plan to organize a 2-day excursion from Tokyo. The tour would visit the town office and a shopping district several kilometers away from the nuclear plant. Participants would wear protective gear and view the no-entry zone from inside a bus. They would also observe rebuilding efforts outside the zone. The visitors would be checked for radiation exposure after their inspection. Time Magazine: Doctor links recent outbreaks of ‘mysterious ­rashes’ to Fukushima — Cancer Specialist: “There’s so much societal pressure to not even mention the word radiation” — Video: Huge number of cancers already… gov’t actively engaged in safety propaganda (VIDEO) http://bit.ly/1q4EDLz New study finds radiation dose for US West Coast from Fukushima over 500% of recent gov’t estimate — Release from Japan disaster could exceed Chernobyl (MAP) http://bit.ly/1sdAt2D Top US Nuclear Officials Visit Fukushima: “The pain they’ve inflicted… innocent lives impacted forever… children” — “Sick to my stomach… as if I were in a science fiction movie” — “Very sobering” — “We raise the standard of living for millions… without us, heart surgery isn’t possible” (VIDEO) http://bit.ly/1q4EDLG 74,000,000,000 Bq of Cs-134/137 only within 10 mins released from Reactor3 in the summer of 2013 http://bit.ly/1sdAt2G NHK “We are entering the new era of MANY DEATHS, donating dead body to medical uni can be recommended” http://bit.ly/1q4EB6n UN ‘ignores’ genetic mutations caused by Fukushima disaster http://thetim.es/1q4EDLJ Seawater injection fuels tensions in work to contain Fukushima crisis http://bit.ly/1q4EE1W Utah company being considered to stop radioactive leak at Japanese nuclear plant http://bit.ly/1sdAvaE Westinghouse to build Utah nuclear plant http://bit.ly/1q4EB6q Woman sentenced in plot to steal U.S. nuclear secrets http://reut.rs/1sdAvaF Ontario delaying federal push to get anti-radiation pills to those who live near nuclear plants Almost no one who lives near Ontario's nuclear plants has anti-radiation pills in case of a disaster because bureaucrats are bickering. http://bit.ly/1q4EE1X

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