Massive Spikes in Radioactivity Hidden From Public 8/23/14; OH Canada!

Scientist: Massive spikes in radioactivity are being hidden from public — Radiation doses around nuclear reactors increase exponentially — It’s a major worry… very, very important — Something must be done (VIDEO) Japan’s Fukushima catastrophe brings big radiation spikes to B.C. “There have been massive radiation spikes in Canada because of Fukushima,” said Gordon Edwards, president of the Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility. “The authorities don’t want people to have an understanding of this. The government of Canada tends to pooh-pooh the dangers of nuclear power because it is a promoter of nuclear energy and uranium sales.” Monitoring stations catch a fraction of Fukushima fallout *****Canada also has only five monitoring stations that contain equipment sensitive enough to notice levels of specific radioactive substances from Fukushima in the air.***** THEN WHY ARE SEVERAL CITIES POSTED ON THE LINK IN THE VIDEO???? "Of all the B.C. sites, the biggest spike was in Victoria, where the level rose from 0.23 to 0.25 microsieverts per day between March 19 and 25—an increase of 9.9 percent. Vancouver saw a four-percent increase, from 0.43 to 0.45 microsieverts. The worst-hit city in Canada was Regina. It saw a 90-percent spike in its radiation level, from 0.36 to 0.69 microsieverts per day. Yellowknife was second-highest with a 31-percent jump, followed by Toronto with a 26-percent rise." Radiation from Japan reaches B.C. shores Canada Water Tests Positive For Fukushima Cesium-134 February 25th, 2014 "Safe" radiation levels after Japan’s Fukushima nuclear disaster challenged by citizens Health Canada gave the Georgia Straight the same kind of assurance. “Canadians are safe,” spokesman Stéphane Shank said in a phone interview. Radiation detected in Canada was “within the natural background fluctuations”. In fact, the iodine-131 levels at Old Massett tested above background until early May. Background for iodine-131 is around zero because it doesn’t occur naturally. And even though the level never exceeded the Canadian ceiling, that didn’t necessarily mean it was safe. In fact, Japan’s five-month-old nuclear crisis has focused attention on a dirty secret of the nuclear industry: its version of “safe” isn’t necessarily the public’s. Radioactive Fukushima waste in B.C. March 12, 2014 A radioactive metal from the Fukushima nuclear plant disaster in Japan has been discovered in the Fraser Valley, causing researchers to raise the alarm about the long-term impact of radiation on B.C.'s coast. Examination of a soil sample from Kilby Provincial Park, near Agassiz, has for the first time in this province found Cesium 134, further evidence of Fukushima radioactivity being transported to Canada by air and water. "That was a surprise," said Juan Jose Alava, an adjunct professor in the school of resource and environmental management at Simon Fraser University, in an interview on Tuesday. "It means there are still emissions ... and trans-Pacific air pollution. It's a concern to us. This is an international issue." Tsunami survivors pray for victims in Japan on Tuesday. Radioactive Fukushima waste has been discovered in B.C.'s Fraser Valley Radioactive Fukushima waste has been discovered in B.C.'s Fraser Valley Cesium 134 has a half-life of two years, meaning its radioactivity is reduced by half during that time. Its presence in the environment is an indication of continuing contamination from Fukushima. A more persistent danger to people and marine life is radioactive Cesium 137, which has a half-life of 30 years, and bioaccumulates in the food chain. NMS Air Filter Data Health Canada's Radiation Monitoring Data and the Nuclear Emergency in Japan I apologize for the music choices. I can't use youtube editor and their music library because of a stupid copyright strike. Does anyone have good free music I can use?

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