Michael Brown Family Lawyer Makes False Claim about Autopsy Findings

Hear the Brown family attorney Benjamin Crump make a false statement about the autopsy performed on Michael Brown. Good for Megyn Kelly for getting the truth out of Dr. Baden! How come Crump is still allowed to practice law? Witness to Michael Brown shooting: "dude kept coming towards the police" http://bit.ly/1BEmpFT See Benjamin Crump lie about Zimmerman's statement about Trayvon Martin: Zimmerman Trial & Trayvon Martin Media Manipulation Exposed http://bit.ly/1z40unx QUESTION: Are any of these wounds inconsistent with the witness accounts that Michael Brown was shot while rushing the police officer? BADEN: They could be consistent with his going forward or going backward. But they're from the front, and if he was shot going forward, he would collapse right away. The problem -- yes, so it's possible. There are a number of different possibilities to that.

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