Mysterious Giant Crack in the Earth Stuns Scientists

A giant crack in the earth in Mexico is sparking fears among local residents while scientists are stunned and still trying to figure out what caused the giant crack in the earth. Farm workers in Mexico have been forced to go around the area due to its unstable underground. According to a report by El Manana on Aug. 21, authorities have ordered local residents to avoid the area until officials can figure out why the enormous crack in the ground happened and how to fix it. As reported by El Manana, local residents and workers discovered the massive trench near Hermosillo last Wednesday. Hermosillo is the capital of the Mexican state of Sonora and is located about 180 miles south of the U.S. border. Video footage taken by a drone (unmanned aircraft) found the crack in the earth to be three quarters of a mile long. At its largest point, the fissure is 16 feet wide and 26 feet deep. As for now, the giant crack in the earth in the northwestern part of Mexico is stunning scientists as there is no clear explanation as to what caused the fissure. Geologists at the University of Sonora are theorizing that a collapsed underground stream, unintentionally created by farmers, might have been the cause. The geologists discovered that local farmers had built a homemade levee in order to contain rainwater. Some experts believe that the water might have leaked and caused an underground stream which eventually softened the ground and caused it to collapse. However, scientists are also examining the possibility that an earthquake along the San Andreas Fault might have triggered the trench. El Manana stated that the area experienced an earthquake last Sunday, but no reports of a crack had been received at that time. Martín Valencia Moreno, the head of the National Autonomous University of Mexico's Regional Station of the Geological Institute, does not believe that the massive crack was caused by an earthquake because "when a fault is generated the levels generally move and here we see people walking on both sides of the trench, the two levels are still in place, one side isn't raised and the other hasn't sunk either." Even though El Manana reports that locals should not be in fear and that scientists are approaching their amazement about the massive crack with a scientific investigating as to why the earth collapsed for a length of one kilometer near Hermosillo, the fact that another crack has already opened up in the area is causing panic among some residents. Related terms: alien artifacts alien greys aliens ancient astronauts Anunnaki Apocalypse Area 51 asteroid astral projection astral travel astral world astronaut Atlantis ATS Black ops fallen angel fallen angels cataclysm CIA galactic federation of lights conspiracy crop circles Crystal skull disclosure Egyptian Sumerian end of the world end of times ET technology ETs Experiments Extraterrestrial extra terrestrial contact extra terrestrial life extra terrestrial planet shadow people shadow person ghost haunting haunted house FBI flying rods flying saucer miracle miracles angel angels HAARP Conspiracy theory how to survive nukes Maya calendar Maya prophecies military Mysteries Mysterious Lights Mystery`s NASA Nibiru new world order News planet Nostradamus nuclear bases numerology Objects near the sun orb orbs paranormal Phoenix lights Planet X ancient prophecies prophecy Psychic Phenomenon Red planet Religion reptilian reptilians Roswell 1947 Secret aircraft sky fish Solar maximum Space supernatural surviving Disclosure Time traveler time travel time machine UFO disclosure UFO's unidentified coast to coast am near death experience near death experiences NDE NDE's angel angels demon demons haunted haunting heaven hell bible code Virgin Mary web bot Loch Ness monster Nessy Sasquatch bigfoot secret society heaven sighting caught on camera strange odd weird creature creatures unknown guardian angel miracle miracles freemasonry freemason unidentified unidentifiable unidentified creature strange creature strange object unidentified animal unidentified object harpazo caught on video caught on camera

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