Netanyahu Warns Gaza Civilians After Israel Destroys Apartment Tower

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned Palestinian civilians on Sunday to leave immediately any site where militants are operating, one day after Israel flattened a 13-story apartment block in Gaza. Israeli aircraft fired a non-explosive rocket at the building as a signal to residents to get out before attacking it on Saturday. Seventeen people were wounded in the strike on the structure, which Israel said had housed a Hamas command center. With no end in sight to fighting in its seventh week, Netanyahu's tough talk seemed to indicate a move toward bolder strikes against Hamas targets in densely populated neighborhoods, even at the risk of raising more international alarm. Hours after Netanyahu spoke, neighbors said a cluster of 10 homes, one belonging to a Hamas member, was destroyed in an air strike in the southern Gaza town of Khan Younis. Ten people were wounded by flying debris, but no fatalities were reported. Neighbors said about 10 minutes before the attack, a warning missile was fired and residents fled.

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