Shocking Video of Innocent Family Pulled Over at Gunpoint by TX Cops.

Police say they were responding to a call of a driver waving a gun out a car window on a highway. AT GUNPOINT: TX cops terrify young family. Woman, children accidentally pulled over by police at gunpoint. FORNEY, TX (KTRK) -- Shocking new dash cam video shows a young mother being pulled over at gun point by police in Forney, Texas, all while her four little kids were in the car. Police admit they made a mistake but are refusing to apologize. Kametra Barbour says she was driving four children under the age of 10 home when she was suddenly stopped and surrounded by police. Officer: "Driver let me see your hands everybody stick their hands out the window." Barbour: "What is wrong?" Officer: "I'll tell you in a minute." Barbour was told to exit the vehicle with her hands above her head. Police then shackled them in cuffs right in front of her children. Barbour: "What is wrong? My kids!" Officer: "How old are they?" Barbour: "They're six and eight and ten, nine. What are we doing?" Officer: "Hold on a second, okay?" Barbour: "What is going on? Oh my God, you will terrify my children." Officer: "We got a complaint of a vehicle matching your description and your license plate, waving a gun out the window." The traffic stop was in response to a 911 caller who had told dispatch four black men were waiving a gun out the window of a beige- or tan-colored Toyota. The problem: Barbour's car is a burgundy red Nissan Maxima. It wasn't until Barbour's 6-year-old son, Ryan, came out of the car with his hands up too that police realized they had made a mistake. Officer 1: "Do they look young to you?" Officer 2: "They do to me." Officer 1: "Huh?" Officer 2: "They do to me." Officer 1: "Yep, they're young." Officer 1: "Gun down, gun down, gun down!" The officers then quickly went to work trying to calm down the now terrified children. Officer: "Ya'll okay? Just ya'll in the car?" Child: "No im scared." Officer: "It's okay." Child: "No, are we going to jail?" Officer: "No. No one is going to jail." Child: (Scream, crying) Officer: "Hey, stop crying. It's okay. It's okay. Everything's fine now." The police department defends the traffic stop saying the officers responded appropriately to what they believed was a dangerous situation "For the nature of the call - that a weapon was involved - yes," said Detective Clay with the Forney Police Department told ABC affiliate WFAA.

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