Witness to Michael Brown shooting: "dude kept coming towards the police"

"Police fired shots … the next thing I know I think he missed him. The police shot him. Next thing I know I think he missed him. Then the dude started running – kept coming towards the police." Mike Brown EyeWitness Crime Scene Video Ferguson, MO http://bit.ly/1pAECyV source I found the Mike Brown EyeWitness Crime Scene Video: http://bit.ly/1yKXGvd ‪Josie On The Dana Show 8-15-14‬ http://bit.ly/1pAEC25 source I found the ‪Josie On The Dana Show video: http://bit.ly/1yKXGvh FROM talkleft.com Heart-wrenching video (none / 0) (#35) by sarcastic unnamed one on Fri Aug 15, 2014 at 07:03:16 PM EST by bystander here. I have a hard time understanding everything that is said, but at about the 6:30 mark an apparent eye-witness is heard describing the shooting, and if I am not mistaken at about the 6:50 mark he says that the deceased ran away from the Wilson and his truck, and then came back towards Wilson. He also seems to say that there were a lot of shots and due to Brown's continued running/walking it seemed like the Wilson was missing Brown. He sounded like he was pretty shocked that the wilson was missing, probably due to how close Brown was. If Brown did turn around and come back (none / 0) (#40) by sarcastic unnamed one on Fri Aug 15, 2014 at 07:49:51 PM EST toward the truck/Wilson, that adds a whole new dimension.

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