EBOLA AID CHARADE -- 3,000 beds needed NOW not 25 says CFR

http://bit.ly/1rD0Eyf Laurie A. Garrett*, Senior Fellow for Global Health, Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) “Ebola Control and the Current Outbreak” * Laurie Garrett: My main concern has been about the nature of the international response, which could be characterized as non-response until very recently. And now that the leadership of the international global health community has finally taken the epidemic seriously, it’s too late to easily stop it. We’ve gone through the whole list of all the usual ways that we stop Ebola and every single one of them was initiated far too late with far too few resources and far too few people—and now we’re in uncharted territory. We’re now trying to tackle a problem that has never reached this stage before and we don’t know what to do. The international response is pitiful, disgusting and woeful.


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