Fast Food Company Develops Robots

The fast food industry is toying with a new idea. Now, with so many workers clamoring for higher pay, many executives in the fast food market are looking toward ROBOTS as their next new-hires. The burger-making robot will cost millions to develop, but if they can build one that lasts, corporate investors say it could end up being much cheaper than raising the minimum wage to 15 dollars an hour. A company called Momentum Machines has already made a robot that can put out one burger every 10 seconds. And, it literally does everything. From slicing the tomatoes and pickles, to grinding the meat and toasting the bun. The company says their new machine is more sanitary, more consistent and more productive than a human workforce. Early tests put out more than 360 burgers every hour. They’re also working on a new machine that could take it a step further. This new robot would allow customers to custom order their meat. The machine can custom-grind the meat, so consumers can request any combination of beef, bison or pork, all cooked to order. Automated manufacturing systems very similar to THIS ONE have already put THOUSANDS of Americans OUT of work in warehouses around the country. This new technology is ready to go. All McDonalds and Burger King have to do is CUT the check and send out a few PINK slips. Before you know it, the people fighting for a higher wage FLOOR might soon wind up sleeping on the STREETS. Support Indymedia! Donate USD: Donate BTC: Download your free Next News "Heroes & Villains" Poster here: LIVE: Facebook: Twitter: Sub: Meet the Next News Team: Hashtag: #N3 #SR


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