Fukushima News 9/10/14:Tokyo Area Hit With ‘Unnoticed’ Wave of Fukushima Radioactive Material

Japan Gov’t: Tokyo area hit with ‘unnoticed’ wave of Fukushima radioactive material — Newspapers: “Heavily contaminated… High-concentration radiation” — Prime Minister: “We were right on the verge” of evacuating 50 million people (AUDIO) http://bit.ly/1skOUEx Senior Scientist: Fukushima reactors like Swiss cheese; No one knows how far melted nuclear fuel has spread — Newspaper: Highly radioactive water thought to be coming up from ground and directly into open ocean, bypassing plant’s bay; ‘Other substances’ making contamination more serious (VIDEO) http://bit.ly/WUeJz3 EPA: Models show “greater potential impact” to US West Coast from rainfall containing Fukushima radioactive material — California sea water with over 10 Million pCi/m3 of iodine-131 found in sample squeezed out of seaweed http://bit.ly/1skOWfF Fukushima breaking news; MORE Proof emerges, THEY KNEW, SEPTEMBER DAWNS 9/10/14 http://bit.ly/WUeJz8 FUKUSHIMA - Expedition for Life - Rense Radio Interview 9/8/2014 http://bit.ly/1skOUEG Japanese mass media “Jiji” rose in revolt against Tepco / 2 trillion Bq leaked to the sea in 10 months http://bit.ly/1skOUUY Nuclear regulator approves plant's safety plan Nuclear & Energy Sep. 10, 2014 - Updated 01:55 UTC-4 Japan's nuclear regulator has officially approved an assessment that says safety measures for the Sendai power plant in southwestern Japan compiled by its operator meet government guidelines. The plant is located in the city of Satsumasendai in Kagoshima Prefecture and is operated by Kyushu Electric Power Company. It became the first nuclear plant to meet the more stringent standards introduced after the 2011 Fukushima Daiichi power plant accident. The Nuclear Regulation Authority unanimously approved the assessment on Wednesday. The document was revised based on some of the more than 17,000 public comments the authority received since it released its draft assessment in July. The draft assessment approved a plan by the operator to restart the No. 1 and No. 2 reactors at the Sendai plant. Many members of the public urged Kyushu Electric to implement stricter measures against possible earthquakes, volcanoes and serious accidents. But the authority said such factors won't affect its conclusions. “Not for Distribution, Internal Use Only”: US Energy Dept. estimated Fukushima release up to 10,000 times larger than nuclear regulators predicted — ‘Supercore’ scenario an underestimate? http://bit.ly/WUeMuK Local govts wary of nuclear plant restart Nuclear & Energy Sep. 8, 2014 - Updated 06:14 UTC-4 An NHK survey shows that more than 60 percent of local governments that host or surround a nuclear power plant are cautious about restarting idled reactors even if they meet new safety guidelines. Last month, NHK polled 146 prefectures and municipalities within a 30-kilometer radius of a nuclear power plant. The survey asked whether they will approve restarting plants nearby if authorities find they satisfy new safety requirements. About 12 percent said they will approve or hope to approve in the future, while 8 percent said they will not approve or will never approve. About 67 percent said they were undecided for now. Bacteria That Can Eat Radioactive Waste Discovered http://bit.ly/1skOUV1 Power Plants Heading Out to Sea in Post-Fukushima Japan http://bloom.bg/WUeLqD Is Diablo Canyon California’s Fukushima-in-Waiting? http://bit.ly/WUeLa8 Nuclear Power Isn't Dead, It Just Moved to China http://bit.ly/1skOWwj RadChick Radiation Research & Mitigation http://on.fb.me/1Ao4orU The News That Matters about the Nuclear Industry http://bit.ly/1kaUFMD


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