Massive Cyber Attacks On The U.S.!!!! Norse - Live Attack Intelligence

Norse's interactive live map, shown above, allows viewers to watch as live attacks unfold around the world. The most popular target seems to be the U.S., with many attacks originating in China. At certain times, a large attack will take place when hackers try to take a website offline, known as a DDoS attack. The map was designed to work in Chrome and loading times may vary depending on your browser To gather the data, Norse uses a worldwide 'honeypot', which is, essentially, a vulnerable network purposefully set up to knows when it is being attacked. WHAT IS A DDOS ATTACK? DDoS stands for 'Distributed denial-of-service' attack, when hackers use a network of 'zombie' computers to sabotage a specific Web site or server. The idea is pretty simple - a hacker tells all the computers on his botnet to contact a specific server or web site repeatedly. The sudden increase in traffic can cause the site to load very slowly for legitimate users. Sometimes the traffic is enough to shut the site down completely. This lets the company tell when and where an attack is originating from, creating a live map around the world. It also lets the company detect when a huge attack is taking place, perhaps to take down a website or render a service inoperable. Link to the Norse site:


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