Hold Governor Mary Fallin Accountable

Please hold Governor Mary Fallin accountable for what she says! Will she really help keep Jaqie Angel alive in Oklahoma. Mary Fallin claims she cares. Mary Fallin claims she will help in any way she can. Actions speak louder than words! Hold Mary Fallin accountable and let's bring Jaqie Angel back to Oklahoma. Sources & Facts: Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin Does Not Support Marijuana: http://bit.ly/1qd9OS2 Fallin Voices Opposition to Legal Marijuana in Oklahoma During Online GOP Forum: http://bit.ly/1kv7VQw Scientific Studies: http://bit.ly/1ufLR3N Peer-reviewed Articles on Cannabinoids and Cancer: http://bit.ly/1qd9R0d Epilepsy Foundation Calls for Increased Medical Marijuana Access and Research: http://bit.ly/1qFXqvm

#news #okc #endtimes

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