#BlackLivesMatter: Anonymous Calls for 'March of Millions' Over Police Brutality!

http://bit.ly/1zfNXza The hacktivist collective Anonymous has called for a nationwide ‘march of millions’ next Saturday to demand justice for Michael Brown, Eric Garner, and other African Americans who have died as a result of police violence. The ‘Day of Anger’ event, carried under the burgeoning #Blacklivesmatter social movement, is set to take place on December 13. Although tentatively scheduled to kick off in New York City, the hacktivists call for protests all across the nation. “We must not only show our power, but show that there is still hope for humanity, we must show the world these deaths are not in vain,” the group said in a Facebook post. http://bit.ly/1yuzHjy NEW DAHBOO7:http://bit.ly/1yuzIUA

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