Emergency! This Family is Prepared, part 1

"We base our emergency kit around our camping gear," says Tim Beale, showing us a carefully packed wheeled tote. His partner Ann Pacey lists essential areas to address, starting with financial records and ending with communications - including a plan to get back in touch with loved ones after an emergency. Their show-and-tell includes gear and advice for cooking, lighting, heat and power, food, water storage and filters, sanitation, clothing, and first aid/medical. Episode 279. Thanks for being in the Peak Moment viewer community! Subscribe to peakmoment channel on YouTube for more great shows on grass roots pioneers forging a post-growth culture. Subscribe to email news or donate at http://bit.ly/1wR12Rz. Visit Peak Moment on: Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1yuzHQB GooglePlus: http://bit.ly/1wR12RA Janaia on Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1yuzHQF Twitter: http://bit.ly/1wR12RC (handle: @peakmomenttv) iTunes: http://bit.ly/1yuzJrF

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