Michael Brown Stepdad Issues Apology

Meanwhile, cooler heads are starting to prevail in the Ferguson area. That includes Michael Brown’s own stepfather. The night of the grand jury announcement, Louis Head appeared on video inciting violent protests, even urging other protesters to start fires and burn the BLANK down. That was obviously an emotional night for Brown’s stepfather. Now, he’s apologizing. He says his emotions got the best of him in the heat of the moment. In Head’s statement, he said, “It was wrong and I humbly apologize to all of those who read my pain and anger as a true desire for what I want for our community.” In the same statement, he said the Ferguson police department is wrong to blame him for the “conditions” of the community. Right now, local authorities are considering pressing charges against Head for inciting a riot. http://bit.ly/1zXztn3 http://usat.ly/12DOHDx Support Indymedia! Donate USD: http://nnn.is/donate-dollars Donate BTC: http://nnn.is/donate-bitcoin Download your free Next News "Heroes & Villains" Poster here: http://bit.ly/KgbQD5 LIVE: http://bit.ly/1eChpVo Facebook: http://on.fb.me/18RdIek Twitter: http://bit.ly/1eChqZD Sub: http://NNN.is/the_new_media Meet the Next News Team: http://bit.ly/18RdIen Hashtag: #N3 #HL

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