SUBSCRIBE to ELITE NWO AGENDA for Latest on POLICE BRUTALITY / NEW WORLD ORDER / MIKE BROWN / ERIC GARNER / COLLAPSE OF AMERICA http://bit.ly/WrHeUG U.S. RACE WAR LOOMING - This is About POLICE BRUTALITY Not Race Ruby Bridges was 6 years old in 1960 when she became the first black student to attend a previously all-white elementary school in New Orleans, one of the iconic moments in the U.S. civil rights movement. Today, the civil rights pioneer says America looks a lot like it did then: A nation with segregated schools and racial tension. On Friday — 54 years later to the day when she first walked up the steps to William Frantz Elementary School — she commemorates that event with the unveiling of a statue in her likeness at her old school. Also, she is reuniting with the white teacher who taught her and with the sole-surviving U.S. marshal who walked her to school. The cousin of Michael Brown, the 18-year-old shot by Officer Darren Wilson in Ferguson, contacted Infowars to express his agreement that the protests against the deaths of Brown and Eric Garner should not be focused around race, but on preventing police brutality. #MikeBrown's cousin agrees with my rant about concentrating on police brutality, not race. #Ferguson #ICantBreathe How did we get to this point in the race baiting-fueled racial chaos in America? Take a look, the media spin revolving around Trayvon Martin’s encounter with a “white man” got it chugging along. They don’t want you to realize who the real perpetrator is, the globalists. They say a broken clock is right twice a day and that old adage proved true last night when President Obama made the point that the proper response to the Eric Garner controversy should be to focus on police brutality, not race. Protesters flooded the streets of New York last night after a grand jury decided not to charge Officer Daniel Pantaleo in the death of 43-year-old Eric Garner, who was choked to death for the crime of selling untaxed cigarettes. Video footage of the incident clearly shows that Garner offered little or no resistance and was not acting aggressively towards officers during the arrest. As social justice warriors attempt to misdirect justified anger over the non-indictment of Officer Daniel Pantaleo in the choking death of Eric Garner to make the issue all about race, statistics continue to illustrate how police brutality is a threat to all Americans, no matter what their skin color. With Caucasians busy confessing their “white guilt” under the umbrella of the #CrimingWhileWhite Twitter hashtag, the reality of police brutality has been revealed by statistics out of the Centers For Disease Control which show that on average, almost three times more whites than blacks are killed per year by cops. With the white population roughly equating to three times that of the black population in the United States, these stats correlate with a trend of police brutality targeting all races, with the violence not being disproportionately directed towards blacks. u.s. america usa "united states" law rule constitution leader truth exposed truth agenda "new world order" news media entertainment republican democrat "ron paul" police force firearms society battle community citizen enemy "american dream" "u.s. citizen" crime culture rap "hip hop" music sony album "mike brown" interview black white gun "toy gun" toys training "self defense" protest military "u.s. army" prepper prepare camera "video camera" footage society nyc "new york city" discipline civil government "civil war" 2014 2015 people "elite nwo agenda" david icke louis farrakhan alex jones infowars gerald celente bilderberg false flag attack end game usd gold silver ndaa executive order problem reaction solution military industrial complex sheeple ban fox hunting Eric Garner’s Daughter: ‘This is not a Black and White Issue’ Daughter of black man killed by police rejects notion that race had anything to do with father's death Many other unarmed civilians have been brutalized or even killed by police A UN report has condemned the United States for violating the terms of an international anti-torture treaty. The panel took Washington to task for police brutality, military interrogations, and capital punishment protocols. Released by the UN Committee Against Torture, the report took issue with the excessive use of force by law enforcement and accused the US police force of racial profiling. The report was released on Friday, just days after the contentious decision of a Missouri grand jury not to indict a white officer accused of shooting Michael Brown, an unarmed black teen. The decision triggered a wave of protests nationwide. The UN watchdog expressed “deep concern at the frequent and recurrent police shootings or fatal pursuits of unarmed black individuals.”

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