Washington Man Arrested for 'Threatening to Kill Darren Wilson' On Facebook

http://bit.ly/1zfNXza Police in Washington State have arrested a man who posted on his public Facebook page about wanting to kill Darren Wilson, the former Ferguson, Missouri cop who fatally shot unarmed teenager Michael Brown. Jaleel Tariq Abdul-Jabbaar, 46, was arrested outside of Seattle, WA on Tuesday and brought to a federal court house where he was officially charged with three counts of making interstate threats. If convicted, Abdul-Jabbaar could face five years in prison. According to a criminal complaint filed by the US Attorney's Office for the Western District of Washington this week, Abdul-Jabbaar frequently posted on his social media profile about killing Wilson and other cops both before and after a grand jury decided last month not to charge the former Ferguson Police Department officer with killing Brown, 18, this past August; last week, Wilson resigned from the force. http://bit.ly/12DOIHC

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