Education Station: Incarceration

Just last week, President Obama announced another big change on the horizon. One that’s facing a lot of opposition from lawmakers on both sides of the aisle. President Obama’s plan raises a host of concerns and criticism from lawmakers on Capitol Hill. Questions like: how could the government possibly afford to provide free college tuition for 9 MILLION students? But when looking at the numbers, we realized that IF this new tuition proposal went through, it could be the first time in YEARS that America had more students in COLLEGE than we have prisoners in JAIL. That’s right. This country has 2.3 MILLION prisoners, the highest number and highest percentage on the whole planet. The company with the most freedom, also has the most prisoners. When you look at the ratio per 100 thousand residents, the United States beats Russia in the prison rates, and third place isn’t even close. America has around 5 percent of the world’s population, but nearly a quarter of the entire world’s prisoners. It’s not just prisoners outnumbering STUDENTS. We actually have MORE JAILS in the United States than we do DEGREE GRANTING universities! There are just under 5 thousand colleges that hand out degrees, and there are well OVER 5 thousand prisons. In some parts of New York, nearly 20 to 30 percent of the entire county populatin is incarcerated. And this number isn’t going down either. In the last four decades, the number of jailed Americans more than QUADRUPLED! The justice system is clearly broken. So how could the government afford to provide free college education to the entire country? Easy. We’re already doing it. All you need is a four-year prison sentence, and you’re well on your way. Support Indymedia! Donate USD: Donate BTC: Download your free Next News "Heroes & Villains" Poster here: LIVE: Facebook: Twitter: Sub: Meet the Next News Team: Hashtag: #N3 #SR

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