2/04/2015 -- ALERT : Oklahoma BANS FRACKING injection after 4.0M+ earthquake swarm

Breaking News out of Oklahoma! 1201am CST February 4, 2015: A series of 4.0M+ earthquakes at fracking operations across Oklahoma (over the past 7 days up to Feb 4 2015) has now lead to a huge development for the fracking industry, and a "seismic shift" in how government is responding to these escalating earthquake events. Many thanks to Linda Guertin for sharing this news. OKLAHOMA SHUTS INJECTION WELLS DOWN near Kansas, due to the multiple 4.0M+ earthquakes over the past week! http://bit.ly/1zJDK0o ____ VICTORY! Thanks to you, the viewers, for sharing the news over the past week(s), months, and years.... getting the word out, thanks to your efforts this topic is getting the serious attention it deserves. Success comes in small steps! :) ____ Watch the video from February 1, 2015, covering the 4.0M+ earthquakes in Oklahoma which led to this new fracking ban: http://bit.ly/1yHiMed ____ These are the multiple larger 4.0M+ events I was reporting on in my videos that EVERYONE in the media (and in our online community) ignored. Someone in Oklahoma took notice of the movement as well. Texas Railroad Commission, you still want to DENY fracking causes earthquakes in the face of the USGS findings, the Oklahoma Commission findings, the Ohio Geologic Survey findings, the Arkansas Geologic Survey findings, and the Colorado Geologic Survey findings? Now that wells have been shut in Ohio, earthquakes dropped off in Ohio... now that wells have been shut off in Arkansas, earthquakes have dropped off in Arkansas, now that wells were shut off in Greeley Colorado, earthquakes have dropped off in North Colorado. When you stop fracking, earthquakes slow down (or sometimes stop all together!). Let's hope this new move by Oklahoma calms the border region down near Kansas. This is not over by a long shot, but its a baby step in the right direction. Doing baby steps now, will lead to vast strides later..... We've got miles to go before things calm down in this region. _____ See the report on the Texas Railroad Commission actually still DENYING fracking causes earthquakes: http://bit.ly/1zJDLS3 ____ Forecast from January 21+22 calling for movement to hit Italy and Vanuatu, after issuing this video, a swarm hit Italy , and a 7.0M earthquake hit Vanuatu. http://bit.ly/1z1LFr1 ____ See the forecasts calling for New Brunswick movement, Connecticut movement, and Quebec movement here: January 4, 2015 http://bit.ly/1zJDLS7 January 6, 2015 http://bit.ly/1yHiLao January 11, 2015 http://bit.ly/1zJDK0u ___ Quebec hit: http://on.doi.gov/1yHiLqE New Brunswick hit: http://on.doi.gov/1zJDKgM Connecticut hit: http://bit.ly/1yHiLqK

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