Fukushima News 2/8/15: Approval Needed For Transporting Radioactive Waste

Mirrored from MissingSky101 (Feb 8, 2015) * Note from MS101: Environment minister meets Fukushima Governor JP Environment Minister Yoshio Mochiduki asked the governor of Fukushima Prefecture for permission to begin transporting radioactive waste to a projected intermediate storage site by March 11th. On Tuesday, the government started building facilities in Futaba and Okuma towns to store the radioactive waste stemming from the nuclear accident in 2011. The prefecture and the 2 towns have set 5 conditions for allowing the waste to be transported. These include creating a law that stipulates the waste will be finally disposed of outside the prefecture. They also want new financial support to help revive the local economy. Mochiduki and Reconstruction Minister Wataru Takeshita met Fukushima Governor Masao Uchibori at the prefectural government office on Sunday. Mochiduki explained that the government wants to settle the only pending condition, which involves the signing of a safety pact with the prefecture and the 2 towns. Uchibori said the prefecture will respond after closely examining the proposal and contacting local residents. Mochiduki also indicated that the government intends to transfer contaminated soil from schools and irrigation ponds to the intermediate storage facilities. He told reporters that transporting radioactive waste to the facilities will be an important first step for the reconstruction of Fukushima, and he wants the prefecture to make a decision as soon as possible. Japan Official: Fuel from Fukushima reactors is “melting down daily” — AP: No way of confirming melted fuel is at bottom of containment vessels — Tepco Adviser: “Schedule for decommissioning the plant is pure supposition” — The Economist: This is ‘Mission Impossible’ http://bit.ly/1DXfjeT TV: Shellfish disappearing along west coast, nobody knows why — Has become ‘systemic crisis’ Finding Pacific shellfish ‘next to impossible’, “Recently there’s no local scallops at all, supply gone” — Chef: It began a few months ago, oyster farms flourishing for years all of a sudden had to shut down http://bit.ly/1uvtaJM Robotic snake set to examine innards of melted Fukushima reactor HITACHI, IBARAKI PREF. – A snakelike robot designed to examine the interior of one of the three meltdown-hit reactors at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant is ready to begin its expedition. Assessing the damage in the reactors is a crucial step in decommissioning the poorly protected plant, which was crippled by core meltdowns triggered by the Great East Japan Earthquake and tsunami in March 2011. Remote-controlled robots are essential for the job because the radiation in the reactors chambers is so high it would kill any person who got close. http://bit.ly/1DXflnd Cs-134/137 density jumped up 17× in groundwater of R3 seaside/Potential leakage from underground wall http://bit.ly/1uvtaJN 590,000,000 Bq/m3 of Strontium-90 measured from groundwater of Reactor 2 seaside http://bit.ly/1DXfjf1 Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant Unit 1 http://bit.ly/1DXflDv Shipment ban lifted on all flounder in Ibaraki Japanese officials have lifted a ban on the shipment of flounder caught off northern Ibaraki Prefecture for the first time in 3 years. They say the fish has cleared radioactive tests. The central government ordered the ban for the entire prefecture in April 2012. (after radioactive cesium exceeding its limit was detected in the catches) It has since lifted the restriction on many fishing areas. But the ban continued for the fish caught in waters north of Hitachi City, which borders Fukushima Prefecture. The latest decision means all flounder catches in the prefecture will be cleared for shipment. Texas company looking to store nation’s high-level radioactive waste http://atxne.ws/1DXflDw Chalk River's NRU Reactor closing in 2018 http://bit.ly/1DXfjvn FirstEnergy seeks to push Davis Besse risk to customers http://cin.ci/1uvtb0f * NOTE: Fukushima free project site made by Red Button TV http://bit.ly/KnFje0

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