How Do You Envision the Workplace of Tomorrow?

CrowdSource CEO, Stephanie Leffler, describes her vision of the workplace of tomorrow. SUBSCRIBE to get the latest CrowdSource Videos: Connect with CrowdSource Online: Visit the CrowdSource WEBSITE: Like CrowdSource on FACEBOOK: Follow CrowdSource on TWITTER: Follow CrowdSource on GOOGLE PLUS: Transcription of video: An online worker is somebody who engages with one or more companies using the Internet for the most part to get those jobs. Generationally there has been a huge shift that has occurred with our workforce. If you look at the Generation X crowd, they for the most part, would engage with one company for the majority of their working career. I think if you look at average tenure in the Gen X range, it's 10 years plus with a single company. If you look at what has happened with Generation Y, things have changed in a massive fashion. Their average tenure with a company is closer to 2 years and they don't think about their relationship with an employer the same way as the previous generation. They see employers as springboards for them to go from one career or one job to the next as opposed to a place to settle in and make their home. I think that, that has encouraged the wave of online work in that people are open to working with new companies and adapting new ways of thinking and don't feel married, if you will, to one career. So, I see that change only continuing, and companies as a result are responding. They see workers turning over more quickly. Worker turnover is a huge expense for a company and so if faced with the decision of to bring someone on full time or use a freelancer, in many cases today, it actually makes more sense to engage a freelancer because of the cost of potential turnover. If you plan for a contingent labor force, you can manage things much more efficiently and more easily as people do change careers. About CrowdSource: We provide businesses with access to a skilled and scalable workforce on demand. Think of us as a “talent cloud” that businesses can tap into as needed to meet the elastic needs of their business. This model differs from traditional outsourcing models in that it minimizes overhead since the virtual workforce is paid per output, as opposed to an hourly rate or contract basis. CrowdSource has qualified hundreds of thousands of freelancers across many different categories of work, and we have access to over 8 million skilled freelancers through integrated partners such as Elance|oDesk and Amazon. Our software intelligently matches this virtual talent to client projects, simplifying the management of distributed labor for our clients and giving freelancers the ability to login to our platform and instantly find work that is the right fit for their skills. For an even more in depth view of how the workplace of tomorrow is expected to change, check out Stephanie's TEDx Talk!

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