WARNING: Graphic Content - The Children of Chernobyl

**I'm reposting this video after my previous YT account (HOLadd3) was terminated by the YouTube Censor Nazis without explanation.** This video garnered over 478,000 + hits on my previous account and am hoping to crank it to over a million on this new site. See the incredible work done by the International Children's Heart Foundation and its founder Dr. William Novick. This particular mission focused on a genetic birth defect in the hearts of babies born in close proximity to the Chernobyl nuclear reactor and were ravaged by the subsequent radioactivity from the accident in April, 1986. ***Pay particular attention toward the end of the video and the parents' reaction to Dr. Novick when he comes out after one surgery to repair their daughter's defect called "Chernobyl Heart."*** I claim no specific copyright to any content in this video and am not seeking any kind of financial gain...I'm simply moved to share this group's extraordinary story and pass the word in hopes more people will assist in these kinds of efforts. If nothing else, it's nice to see angels really DO exist on earth. To learn more: www.babyheart.org.

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