We're desperate Friends - Whales are dying in Mass- And what about Humans

Here is a LINK to MY WEB SITE FRIENDS http://bit.ly/1wUHdmM All over the world Whales lay dying in mass. Birds falling out of the Sky and fish just pile up on the shore dead. This isn't about whales friends. This is about YOU! If you and I are going to live, we have to , MUST, do something. NOW! We must stand up to the Elite and Stop them Now. There may be very few ways to stop them. And none are perfect. As imperfect as our Government is, we do have the right to vote. IF we are not deceived by the Commercials. When You see Chris Christie or Hillary Clinton begin their charade, please do not believe ONE WORD of their lies. PLEASE people. They will simple drive the last nail into our coffins. I believe RAND PAUL and RON PAUL are the only hope we have aside from total revolution and civil war. RON PAUL will get rid of the FEDERAL RESERVE and that may save this entire world. Please do Not Vote for their puppets again. If you know someone hurting today. Will you go to them now and just sit and listen to them. Do anything you can to help, and do not judge. Keep up the good work friends. Thanks

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