In 2010, more than 2.3 million illegal aliens residing in the United States received more than $4.2 Billion in child tax credits.

In 2010, more than 2.3 million illegal aliens residing in the United States received more than $4.2 Billion in child tax credits. In large cities and small towns alike, across the nation, illegals are receiving massive tax returns that at times, equal more than half of the amount of the average American citizen’s annual income
In towns as small as Thermal, CA, where the population is just under 3,000 total residents, there were 67 tax returns sent to illegals residing at a total of  only 95 addresses in the total amount of $402,000 in refunds.
In Parksley, VA, a small town of less than 1,000 residents, there were 100 returns sent to illegals residing in only 48 different residences, for a combined amount of $163,711.
And in Frankford, DE, population 862, total returns of $712,004 were mailed to 183 households of illegals.
How can this be happening, you ask? It’s due to a little tax rule passed back in 1996 that was nothing more than the IRS’s cheesy little way to pay illegals to stay in the U.S.
You’ll know the rule as the Additional Child Tax Credit (ACTC). The rule is not so much a tax credit as it is an income-transfer program for low-income families. It offers up to $1,000 per child to all resident families, including those of illegal aliens.
Wait a minute, you say. How can you even file a tax return without a social security number?

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