1,400 white Children ritually raped in ONE British city by Muslims - Victims ignored by the system


EDL Rotherham Pedophiles 13th of September 2014 1400 Children ritually raped in British city by Muslims: Victims raped, beaten and doused in petrol if they threatened to tell ow bad is the situation in Europe with Islamic immigration and the political correct system? "Rotherham child sexual exploitation: Victims raped, beaten and doused in petrol if they threatened to tell Report reveals how victims were ritually abused by gangs of Asian (Muslims) men before being ignored by the police and social services" British and European media is finally publishing the truth and what kind of impact Islamic immigration has on our society. Keep in mind that this is only ONE city in England. It reminds me of a conversation I had a while ago with a person from Holland, and for some reason she brought up the rape problems in India. I said I thought it was interesting how the world knows about rape problems in India, but had no clue what goes on in their own country, European women being abused mostly by Muslim men. Of course when this was mention, the conversation was over. The reality hit a bit to close to home.... The truth is ugly, but by ignoring it will not make the facts go away, even if it is unpleasant. Where was the human right organizations, feminist movement and organization that combat exploitation and trafficking when our young girls was raped?? What it comes down to is what we already know, that immigration is not in favour of European people and that the political system in Europe does not represent its us. This horrendous event is only the tip of the iceberg, the question when will the average person say enough is enough and demand a policy that actually favour us.

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