Bill O'Reilly calls Sharpton 'a charlatan' This video is in compliance with YouTube's community guidelines. We realize our videos are sometimes targeted by militant leftist hate groups for deletion. When such groups abuse YouTube's TOS for political reasons, we distribute the video to our network of supporters to be reposted multiple times. That is, the efforts of hate groups to ban compliant videos will be counter productive. The hate 'group' may be a single individual using multiple accounts. We request YouTube investigate the IP address of each individual in the hate group and, if found to be the same, take appropriate action. Origin of content: Fair use Saying 'Bless you!' gets student suspended Kajieme Powell, 25, was shot Tuesday after moving toward officers with a knife while telling them, "Shoot me now. Kill me now." Both officers fired six shots each, but it wasn't yet known how many struck Powell. He died at the scene. Missouri governor imposes curfew in Ferguson, declares emergency Protest Looting Ferguson Shooting RIOTS after Mike Brown National Guard sent to Governor Nixon Imposes Curfew With City on Edge, St. Louis Police Shoot and Kill Another Man Florissant National Guard sent to Chambers killed Ferguson Officer Darren Wilson earned police honor before fatal shooting Police 8/16/2014 State of emergency Justice Dept. authorizes 2nd autopsy on Michael Brown in Ferguson STL Governor Chicago Washington DC New York TimeSquare vows change in Ferguson police response Despite 7 arrests, Missouri governor sees 'solid step forward' in Ferguson Obama Speech Deliver Statement Gas Station Store Bus Stop Destroy ST. Luis Ferguson, Missouri Looters stealing, damaging businesses in Ferguson Ferguson Shooting Mike Brown Killed Dead White Man Rampage! 18 year old UNARMED Police Use Tear Gas While Again Clashing With Protesters teen shot 10 times Body Kill 17 Dies Death Died by a cop in st. Louis.. Ferguson Police have dogs and shotguns. Mya Shot in the Head Ferguson Missouri The unarmed crowd is raising their hands. Unarmed Black Male Shot and Killed LAPD Missouri crowd after shooting: 'Kill the police' Police Fatally Shoot Unarmed Black Teenager Michael Brown ......INSTAGRAM -- @dherrera175...... Violence in Ferguson: Police Fire Tear Gas, Smoke Bombs at Demonstrators Protests turn violent in St. Louis suburb Michael Brown Police Fire Tear Gas Into Protestors & Arrest 2 Journalist + Eyewitness Describes How Michael Brown Was Killed! Tensions are high in Ferguson, Missouri and a large police presence is on hand after a teenager was shot to death by a police officer. Posted By Abdul Fatal police shooting in Missouri sparks protests Crazy: Witness Speaks On The Murder Of Mike Brown! FBI Launches Investigation Into Michael Brown Death! Rich white male Nazi KKK member verbally enslaves innocent PoC as they peacefully protest against a racist gas station. 2014!! Bill O'Reilly calls Sharpton 'a charlatan'

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