Racism News Now: Before it Happens Trayvon's Mom the UN and Reparations.

The Truth about White Privilege in America right now is this.......... White Privilege right now is all about the fear of wealth confiscation and taxes. The Whites know they must give Reparations in order to have continued peace in America, and they are scared that the Elites won't get taxed with high rates, while they- the upper middle class and lower tier riche' are taxed at high rates to the point to where they can get upper tier Welfare, and even lower tier Welfare like food stamps. This is what will happen if you don't fight. You know damn well Blacks need Reparations as a stimulus package for all people. THIS IS THE TRUTH!! Reparations in America and the World can be used as a stimulus package and a way to get rid of nasty little Derivatives we have estimated to be worth $3.5 Quadrillion. Trayvon's Mom could pave the way. More here: http://bit.ly/1tICUyt


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