WHO: Senegal Ebola Case 'a Top Priority Emergency'

The World Health Organization said Sunday that the effort to contain Ebola in Senegal is "a top priority emergency," as the government continued tracing everyone who came in contact with a Guinean student who has tested positive for the deadly disease in the capital, Dakar. The WHO said in a statement Sunday that Senegal faces an "urgent need" for support and supplies including hygiene kits and personal protective equipment for health workers. The WHO said, "These needs will be met with the fastest possible speed." The U.N. health agency provided new information on the movements of the 21-year-old student in the city before he was diagnosed with Ebola. Senegal confirmed that the student had tested positive for Ebola on Friday, making the country the fifth in West Africa to be affected by an outbreak that has killed more than 1,500 people. http://yhoo.it/1njWjyx http://bit.ly/1fJ5yqZ


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