Anti-Muslim Bullying On Rise After Canada Attacks

Reports of anti-Muslim harassment have risen in Canada, after attacks last week in which two soldiers were killed by people authorities say were inspired by militant group Islamic State. The National Council of Canadian Muslims said it had seen a tenfold increase in reports of harassment, including racial slurs on public buses, notes left on car windshields, and bullying at schools. Amy Awad, the group’s human rights coordinator, said "There are some very positive signs that we’ve noticed in the form of calls of support and examples of people resisting bigotry. But there has been a large increase in complaints, too." She said a normal volume of anti-Muslim incident reports nationwide was about five a week. Awad continued, "That has gone up about tenfold, with a real surge in the past few days." Worries about homegrown extremism have risen in Canada after a gunman shot a soldier and charged into the Parliament building in Ottawa on October 22nd. Two days earlier, a man rammed two soldiers with his car near Montreal, killing one.

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