Life has come full circle for the men in the Christenson Family who have served in the Military. Our service has been honorable and dishonorable. My cousin is Admiral John Christenson. He is Chief of Staff for European Command. Senior Leadership United States European Command Army major general speaks to CNN from inside Ebola quarantine By Barbara Starr, CNN Pentagon Correspondent updated 7:17 PM EDT, Tue October 28, 2014 Maj. Gen. Darryl Williams: Williams emphasized Ebola "is a silent enemy" for the U.S. military and noted the military mobile labs for Ebola testing on the ground are the front line of the Pentagon's effort to help. I have been to Aviano Air Base and Vicenza many times while flying for the United States Air Force. U.S. Army Garrison Vicenza Aviano Air Base Italy Our troops are being monitored for medical, physical, emotional, psychological, neurological, etc. reactions to the Ebola and the Katrina Virus. The long term effects of contact (however slight) with Ebola may not materialize for years. Generals and Admirals know and have had an in depth knowledge of what the reactions may be to Ebola by the Katrina Virus infected troops. These reactions include death. The Generals and Admirals control the press in a foreign country. The Generals and Admirals do not want the infected troops returning to the United States. They know they are already infected with the Katrina Virus. They do not want Ebola manifesting itself. Suicide is the number one concern. Remember that is was Generals and Admirals that allowed President George W. Bush to perpetrate a fraud on the world to get us into a war with Iraq. Why did I produce videos about my cousins with such horrific titles years ago? V300 I hope and pray that Admiral John Christenson is assassinated to save your life. Katrina Virus. V310 I hope and pray that Joseph Christenson is assassinated to save your life. Katrina Virus. V321 I hope and pray that Mark Christenson is assassinated to save your life. Katrina Virus. Emails to Russian Government concerning Admiral John Christenson, Edward Snowden & NSA. My cousin is Admiral John Christenson the current President of the US Naval War College. He is responsible for the epidemic suicides rates within my US Military family. How could a military leader allow his own troops to commit suicide and not do anything? He was also responsible for my being classified as a terrorist. V142 What is the Katrina Virus, where did it come from and how does it spread? V149 US Military murders Americans in New Orleans. The soldiers are now classified as terrorists. V151 US Military confirms existence of Katrina Virus, Katrina Virus Syndrome & Genesis. V727 US Soldiers will die from Ebola because their immune systems were destroyed by the Katrina Virus. V724 Search YouTube: “Ebola by David Andrew Christenson”. Wake up America. V723 Search YouTube: “Hope and Pray for Assassination by David Andrew Christenson” They murdered you. V706 3 from FDNY who worked at ground zero die in 1 day/Katrina Virus/Wait for American Deaths V703 According to the CDC, every human could have the Ebola/Katrina Virus by January 31st, 2015. V702 CDC/NIH/WHO/CONOP 8888 predicts 1.4 million cases of Ebola/Katrina Virus by January, 2015. V701 Inadvertently received Secret CONOP 8888 (Alias) briefing at Eglin/Hurlburt Air Force Base. V672 Military suicides are up in 2014 because of the Katrina Virus. We are murdering our troops. V641 CONOP 8888 is the same as the Syphilis plan that injected syphilis into people in Guatemala. V640 CONOP 8888 is the same as the Tuskegee plan that murdered black men with syphilis for 40 years. V643 America leads the world in rate and numbers for Eugenics/forced sterilization CONOP 8888 V642 Unbeknownst to pregnant women they give fetus blood to the CDC for DNA analysis CONOP 8888 V604 Army suicide weapon released in New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina. THE KATRINA VIRUS. V603 DOJ knows Waguespack lied to the Grand Jury about the murder of Glover and his burnt corpse.
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