BREAKING: 200 Thousand Doctors Dump Obamacare

The election season is one full of all kinds of debate. Taxes, medicare, foreign policy, the economy. All of these old topics get repeated every November, painted up fresh with new buzz words from political speech writers. But one buzz word or nickname is still sticking around from years before, and it’s not very likely to go away anytime soon. Obamacare. Originally an insult from conservatives for President Obama’s Affordable Care Act, until he sort of owned up to it, and started using it for himself. At first, Obamacare was supposed to be a federally funded healthcare exchange, expanding health care rights to those who couldn’t afford it. For several months, during another election season, Obama promised it would not be a TAX. But after courts reviewed the fine print, they came out and agreed, the Affordable Care Act would, in fact, be a tax for those who did not have health insurance. Then, we learned that the cost of Obamacare shifted the burden onto the backs of the middle class. Now, more than 70 percent of Obamacare say they can’t afford the so-called Affordable Care Act. Even the most liberal Democrats have jumped ship from Obamacare, watching it’s popularity sink faster than the Titanic. But now, it’s not just the middle class and the politicians. It’s the physicians. Doctors. Hundreds of thousands of them. As we continue to learn more and more about the new health law, doctors are realizing they are getting completely cut out of the picture. Much lower rates than even Medicare pays them, already a discounted fee structure. In just a short amount of time since the laws have started taking place, already 215 thousand doctors are now refusing to accept Obamacare patients. That’s more than 1 in 4 doctors across the nation, and that number is still rising. In some states, its even higher. 70 percent of doctors in California are refusing to participate with Obamacare plans. It seems the biggest lie Obama ever told was calling his wide-sweeping healthcare law affordable. Support Indymedia! Donate USD: Donate BTC: Download your free Next News "Heroes & Villains" Poster here: LIVE: Facebook: Twitter: Sub: Meet the Next News Team: Hashtag: #N3 #SR #news #okc #endtimes

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