BREAKING: Obama to Import Ebola Victims from West Africa

The Ebola outbreak in West Africa is sparking fears of a disastrous epidemic all over the world. Australia and North Korea are both banning flights into their countries that have any foreigners from West Africa. China is launching a massive campaign to prevent the spread of Ebola in their country. But here in the US, considered one of the most advanced countries in the world when it comes to healthcare, we’ve already had 9 cases of infected Ebola patients. And now, while Washington Republicans urge President Obama to issue a travel ban or a time quarantine IN West Africa, the Washington Times is reporting he has other plans altogether. According to reports, the Obama administration is about to transport foreign Ebola victims FROM West Africa TO the United States. It’s happening behind the scenes in the State Department. Apparently, their justification is that shipping sick patients to the US is the only way they will get treated, as the beds in those countries are all full. But at the same time, nearly 4 thousand US troops are preparing to go overseas and set up new quarantine zones and medical facilities in the Ebola hot zones. That’s FOUR THOUSAND. Until now, we only know of 13 thousand cases of Ebola, and 5 thousand of those are dead. So among surviving Ebola patients in West Africa, we could soon have one soldier for every two people with Ebola. In addition to putting American lives at risk of catching the deadly virus, this whole Ebola mission is not cheap. American tax dollars are pouring into West Africa, and we don’t even know exactly how much the military component will cost. According to estimates from the State Department, every sick patient from Africa shipped to the US would cost half a million dollars per person. The same administration that once vowed Ebola would never arrive in the US, is now volunteering to spend half a million dollars per person to hand deliver Ebola to America. Support Indymedia! Donate USD: Donate BTC: Download your free Next News "Heroes & Villains" Poster here: LIVE: Facebook: Twitter: Sub: Meet the Next News Team: Hashtag: #N3 #SR #news #okc #endtimes

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