Fukushima: Nobody Knows How Long FOREVER Is... (Nuclear Hotseat #175)

Nuclear Hotseat #175: SPECIAL – Trial of the 4 Grandmothers for Pilgrim Nuke Protest + Halloween (What’s Scarier than Nuclear?)) SPECIAL: Full coverage of last week’s trial of the Four Grandmothers, Cape Cod Downwinders who were arrested for trespass for their Mother’s Day, 2014 protest at the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station in Plymouth, Massachusetts. Hear from Downwinders co-founder Diane Turco; first-time-ever activist Mary Conathan (71); and attorney Bruce Taub. Talk about speaking Truth to Power! Fukushima Daiichi I Spent Fuel Pool number 4 went Dry http://1.usa.gov/1wTCbZF HALLOWEEN FEATURE: What could be scarier than nuclear? Activists from both coasts share their most frightening thoughts about the industry that brought us Fukushima, Chernobyl, Three Mile Island and a whole lot more! NUMNUTZ OF THE WEEK: The United States and Russia finally find something to agree upon and work together towards… more nuclear insanity. PLUS: Nuclear emergency at Honeywell’s Illinois Uranium Processing Plant leaks uranium hexafluoride into environment. Volcano experts warn that Mount Ioyama has started experiencing tremors… only 40 miles (65 km) from the Sendai nuclear power facility – and of course Japan wants to start restarting its nukes with Sendai. Fukushima radiation rises to 800-900 times the previous peak, with no end in sight. Major turbine troubles at Kudankulam keeps the brand-spanking-new nuke facility offline since September. LINKS: The World’s Toughest Bacterium is the most radiation-resistant organism known:http://bit.ly/1tOThJ1 Bacteria a Potential Threat to Nuclear Waste Repositories:http://bit.ly/1tOThJ6 Thousands of Sick uclear Workers Await Compensation at Hanford (can you say, “when hell freezes over…?”):http://bit.ly/1wTCe7J Dirty Little Secret of Paducah Kentucky (Dr. Helen Caldicott) http://bit.ly/1tOThJb Spent Fuel Pool number 4 went Dry http://1.usa.gov/1wTCbZF original broadcast here: http://bit.ly/1wTCbZH ~~~~~ Emergency at Honeywell uranium hexafluoride, Paducha Kentucky, dr. helen caldicott, the dirty little secret of Paducha video here: http://bit.ly/1tOThJb , room for skepticism, yucca mountain review, bacteria blooming underground activity, nuclear wast site, worlds toughest bacterium, nuclear waste, hanford washington's ill workers, sleeping volcano ner Sendai plant in Japan, small scale eruptions likely, one major eruption would make Japan extinct, unlivable, hopeless, mount Ioyami, radiation surges in Fukushima, cesium in groundwater near reactors 460,000 Bq/Liter of cesium increase of 800-900 times previous week!, Arnie Gundersen in in two weeks, India nuke problems, San Onofre, toxic liability by Paul Gunter for generations, what scares me the most about nuclear, "no one knows how long forever is" (at around 22 min) - that phrase was my favorite, the downwinders, entergy pilgrim power station, at around 27 and a half min: police treatment was good, at around 31:00 min: the necessity defense and cretive tension supported by police, at around 34:00 the discussion of Helen Caldicott testimony for Pilgrim and antiquated systems, , at around 43:00 her testimony appeared to terrify the Judge, Trespassing at Pilgrim power station for creative tension, Cape Cod, ionizing radiation, an ongoing disaster daily.... ~~~ and don't forget to keep up with daily Fukushima Updates at MissingSky101 on youtube :) random videos are from my archives...

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