1/24/2015 -- Large Explosive Eruption at Sakurajima Volcano in Japan

January 23, 2015: An explosive nighttime eruption of Sakurajima Volcano in Japan was captured by the webcams monitoring this active region of South Japan. 地震火山噴火溶岩日本 (as seen on http://bit.ly/1z1LFr0 ) Sakurajima volcano has been active in the past (2011 especially), and has since calmed down over the past year. Recently, a few larger eruptions of ash have occurred, as well as a few minor lavic eruptions, however today's most recent eruption really lets us know that the Pacific activity is increasing. The 7.0 magnitude earthquake which occurred in the West Pacific yesterday (january 23 2015), as well as the dozens of 5.0M+ earthquakes which occurred from Japan, South to New Guniea proves the West Pacific is in a state of flux. In 2011, before the Japan 9.0M "mega-quake", there were a series of new eruptions which occurred around the Pacific, as well as multiple impressive eruptions of Sakurajima. In my most recent earthquake forecast, specifically named out the area around Japan to watch for increased volcanic eruption activity (in the near term) due to this new earthquake unrest showing across the entire region. See the most recent international earthquake forecast here (Jan 22 2015): http://bit.ly/1z1LFr1 and here (Jan 19 2015): http://bit.ly/1JxxCJz _____ See the most recent earthquake forecast followup results (Jan 23 2015): http://bit.ly/1z1LDzm See the most recent United States earthquake forecast results here: http://bit.ly/1z1LFr9 and here: http://bit.ly/1z1LDzq _____ Since the entire region is being displaced by seismic activity, it is logical to assume that the seismic unrest happening anywhere from 350 miles depth (asthenosphere) to near surface levels, will also displace the magma chambers of sever volcanoes across the Pacific whose magma chambers reside in the area between the surface and 350 miles deep. The area 350 miles down is showing movement, therefore everything above the area, and the adjacent areas on either flank of the deep movement will be moved as well. Move a magma chamber, and you get an eruption. I'd expect much more to happen in the near term , not only in Japan, but several areas around the Pacific MUST compensate either volcanically, or via larger earthquakes. The compensation for the movement in the West Pacific must spread around the ENTIRE Pacific plate. We've only seen one 7.0M as a response to the huge cluster of 5.0M+ events. This means we need to watch for more, in areas which have not yet moved. This means Philippines to South Japan... North Japan to Kamchatka russia... also Vancouver BC to the Oregon coast... San Francisco to Mono Lake CA... Mono Lake CA to Los Angeles... Los Angeles to Salton Sea.. Salton Sea to Baja mexico (gulf of california) .. Baja to Mexico City... the entire coast of Nicaragua, Panama, ... Central Colombia, Western Peru, Western Chile coast.. and last but not least New Zealand to Fiji. SO MANY AREAS must compensate, we're going to see a flurry of mid 5.0M to 6.0M+ events occur in all these areas over the next week. If the pressure does not release via a series of 5.0M to 6.0M beginning in the next few days around the rest of the Pacific, then we're looking at a single LARGE earthquake in the next week or less. Lets hope the events are smaller and more numerous than one single large release. I hope I'm wrong! ____ Music in the video can be listened to , and purchased via the link below - SUPPORT ONLINE ARTISTS!!! Artist : Animattronic Song: "Wake" http://bit.ly/113DbjH ____

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