Chris Busby Reveals Biggest Threat To Humanity

David Knight talks with radiation expert Dr. Christopher Busby about Fukushima, the latest incident in the Ukraine and how the depleted uranium is destroying. Interview was January 5, 2015. I was pretty surprised the way Dr. Chris Busby Really Down played Fukushima (topic began around 33:40 into interview). I find it impossible to peak in 2015. Someone help me out with That one. If Fukushima isn't that big of a deal, then WHAT'S NEXT?! Here's the article and info Chris Busby was talking about at around 25:00 into the video The "Forgotten" Uranium Isotope Refusing to believe the impossible Three tons of uranium – not worth mentioning? Enriched uranium – rich in U-234, not just U-235 Uranium is not directly detectable with Geiger counters If you don’t look for uranium, it’s easy not to find Denying the obvious – there’s plenty of uranium in nuclear fallout It’s in the bones Chris Busby is the Scientific Secretary of the European Committee on Radiation Risk andthe author of Uranium and Health – The Health Effects of Exposure to Uranium and Uranium Weapons Fallout (Documents of the ECRR 2010 No 2, Brussels, 2010). For accounts of his work see http://www. and Morgan minutes: Test vets report 4th supplement: My Marshall Islands paper Semipalatinsk Uranium in bones S L Simon et al Marshall Islands report Busby Presentation of Marshall Islands report at UNHRC Geneva October 2012 Hicks 1984 Uranium content of bombs Rowlands Wahab New Zealand chromosome study NAP dose reconstruction of test veterans and and Bomb test veterans’ grandchildren suffer health impacts. The ICRP’s radiation risk model is bogus science. Minutes of Meeting Held at AERE Harwell 9th July 1953 Bomb test veterans' grandchildren suffer health impacts Ukraine: January 3rd, 2015 TV: Documents reveal radiation spike at world’s fifth largest nuclear plant — Reuters: Officials “could not comment” if documents are authentic; Report says radiation levels measured at 16 times gov’t limit after leak (VIDEO) December 29th, 2014 “Emergency shutdown” at one of world’s largest nuke plants — Local Official: “Radiation is 14 times higher than acceptable norm” in area; Warns of Chernobyl-type disaster — Gov’t: Levels are “within acceptable limits”, incident is under investigation — Second accident at plant this month December 6th, 2014 TV: Plutonium being pumped into ocean through miles of underwater pipes — Nuclear waste left lying on beach — Kids playing on sand where machines scoop up plutonium each day — Alarming test results 1,000% legal limit (VIDEO & PHOTOS) December 3rd, 2014 CNN: Urgent – Emergency repairs reported at largest nuclear power plant in Europe — Prime Minister: I know that a nuclear accident has occurred (VIDEO)

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