Heads Up! Massive Asteroid, As Big As 5 Football Fields, Will Be Visible from Earth On Monday

http://bit.ly/1zfNXza Dahboo7 On Zeekly: http://bit.ly/1AVK44S An asteroid the size five football fields is approaching Earth and is expected to pass by on Monday. It will be visible through strong binoculars – definitely worth getting; the next time such an asteroid could be this close again will be in 2027. At the closest point to the Earth, asteroid 2004 BL86 will be at a distance of 1.2 million kilometers which – approximately three times the distance from the Earth to the moon. Estimated to be 0.5 km in diameter, it is classified by scientists as potentially dangerous. A space object is considered “potentially dangerous” if it crosses the Earth's orbit at a distance of less than 0.05 AU (approximately 19.5 distances from the Earth to the Moon), and if its diameter exceeds 100-150 meters. Objects of this size are large enough to cause unprecedented destruction, or generate a tsunami in case they fall into the ocean. http://bit.ly/1B6Oja5 http://bit.ly/1zHRkSP

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