HEATED Fox Focus Group over 'radical Islam': ‘Look at What’s in the Koran!’

‘Look at What’s in the Koran!’ Fox Focus Group Comes to Blows over Radical Islam (Mediaite) Tonight Fox News aired one of Frank Luntz‘s signature focus groups in reaction to the State of the Union and things devolved into a loud, heated mess over President Obama‘s unwillingness to say “radical Islam.” Plenty of people in the focus group reiterated arguments they, most likely, heard on Fox News. But there were a few individuals in the focus group who ended up clashing with the others. One woman argued it’s unfair to blame Islam in particular because people justify acts of terror with various different religions. That set off a lot of blowback from other panelists, who invoked Fort Hood, Bowe Bergdahl, and Obama’s cowardice in response. One woman argued, “Blame America does not work. Look what’s in the Koran. Look what they’re teaching in their mosques!” When another woman tried to argue the issue about overall religious extremism, the first woman shot back, “You’re not being honest. The panel lit up several times, and concluded with another woman asking when was the last time a bunch of Christians got together to bomb someplace. video footage caught on tape cellphone camera surveillance raw dash cam air live on tv

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