Japan nuclear meltdown update the World is raising the Dangerous LEVELS on our children!

***WARNING: Language "Exposure for children how FUCKING evil are they 20 times in Japan they have also raised the levels here in the United States WHAT a FUCKING SCAM" NILU ends public forecasts as map shows large radiation clouds now over US, Canada (VIDEOS) Scroll down on the page a little for the vids I guess it's so bad here in the USA now that they aren't even bothering to forecast it any more? WTF? Why is this not ALL OVER THE NEWS? I mean LOOK at this: It's already here, people! Highest Yet: UCB finds 13+ of Cesium-137 in store bought milk from San Francisco Bay Area Nuclear policy expert: Striking that radioactive iodine-131 in California rainwater is so far above level permitted in drinking water East Coast city's tap water has highest radiation in US Philadelphia only .8 below EPA's maximum contaminant level Arkansas milk 300% above EPA's maximum contaminant level for radioactive iodine-131... 11 days ago San Francisco Bay Area milk shows highest Iodine-131 found in U.S. since the Fukushima crisis began LINK http://bit.ly/1KzYBaA Radiation at Reactor No. 1 skyrockets — Now over 200 Sieverts per hour Energy News Unit 1 nuclear plant Fukushima at 201 Sv; rising on 5/23. News not reporting. Reads: 5/18 45.4; 5/19 36.3; 5/20 46.5; 5/21 36.2; 5/22 196; 5/23 201; 6--10 Sv: central nervous system/death; +10 Sv: Incapacitation & death. Reactor 1 is 20 TIMES HIGHER than amount that will cause incapacitation/death http://bit.ly/1wMUZbZ Live Plume Cloud Spread Map of Fukushima Nuclear Meltdown US in danger! Take note of the purple worst level nuclear cloud heading east towards California! Please share! http://bit.ly/1KzYBaB COME ON PEOPLE!!! WAKE THE FUCK UP!!! NOW!!!! What the hell are we supposed to do? Watch them talk about Schwartzenegger's love child and see who's gonna win American IDLE while we all just quietly DIE?! If you watch the vids, it's like Japan didn't even get hit really. It's just spewing up into the jet stream and trippin' right over here! Also, look closely at the legend on the vids that shows the severity of the concentration... it's OFF THE SCALE! WTF is this shit? FACEPALM! OMFG!!! Credit: kevindblanch I totally agree with this guy. When are all the "blissfully ignorant" morons gonna wake up and DO SOMETHING?! Guess what? IT'S TOO FUCKING LATE!!! DEAD MAN WALKING!!!

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