Supreme Court Calls Off Three Oklahoma Executions

The U.S. Supreme Court issued stays of execution Wednesday for three Oklahoma death-row inmates whose challenge to the state's lethal-injection formula will be heard in the spring. The prisoners include Richard Glossip, who had been scheduled to die Thursday night and whose cause has been championed by prominent capital-punishment opponent Sister Helen Prejean. The Oklahoma case centers on the first of three drugs administered to a condemned inmate — the sedative midazolam, which opponents say isn't strong enough to protect a prisoner from the other two chemicals used. Midazolam has featured in at least three executions that did not unfold as planned. In addition to granting Glossip a reprieve, the Supreme Court also issued stays for two other death-row killers — Benajmin Cole and John Grant — who were scheduled for execution in February and March. The Oklahoma attorney general requested the stays until the litigation is resolved.

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