USA vs Kent Hovind 'What is Jury Nullification?'

The primary function of the independent juror is not, as many think, to dispense punishment to fellow citizens ACCUSED of breaking various laws, but rather to PROTECT fellow CITIZENS from TYRANNICAL ABUSES OF POWER BY GOVERNMENT. The Constitution guarantees you the right to trial by jury. This means that government must bring its case before a jury of The People if government wants to deprive any person of life, liberty, or property. Jurors can say NO TO GOVERNMENT TYRANNY by refusing to convict. We have seen our legal system evolve into one in which prosecutors have de facto power to adjudicate most cases almost entirely without accountability. Prosecutors have the power to drive up the risk of losing a trial by jury through the charges they levy or threaten to levy. We see this prosecutorial abuse by stacking charges to coerce plea bargains time and time again. To read cases where Prosecutors exercise cruel and unusual punishment, go to: Learn more about Jury Nullification: Jury Nullification is an American Right and Responsibility; despite what the Judge Margaret Casey Rodgers, Prosecutor Pamela C. Marsh and Tiffany Eggers say BREAKDOWN ON WHY PROSECUTORS WANT TO CENSOR KENT HOVIND IN HIS UPCOMING TRIAL PROSECUTOR SILENCING JURY AND EVIDENCE: 1- PROOF: Letters from professionals absolve Kent Hovind from all wrong-doing: 2 - PROOF: Judge Margaret Casey Rodgers caught altering court transcript: 3 -PROOF: Judge Margaret Casey Rodgers is anti-christian and bias: 4 - PROOF: Judge Margaret Casey Rodgers pre-judged Kent calling him the 'HEAD OF A CRIMINAL ORGANIZATION': 5 - PROOF: Sexual deviant, immoral and mentally-ill people imprisoned Kent Hovind: 6 - IRS arrest and seize over $19k from widowed senior citizen 7 - IRS caught stealing a quarter of a billion from American people: 8 - IRS apologizes for abusing their laws: 9 - Congress furious with the IRS for targeting Christian Americans: 10 - New AG Loretta Lynch caught protecting drug money launderers and terrorists:

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