Children fighters of the Islamic State send a message

Informations about the Video - please read: Place: Syria // Date: 02/2015 Content Info: the Islamic State release a Video of the children of the Chaliphate. these young kids and children / teenagers join the islamic state , learn how to fight, how to use a weapon. they have islam lesson , read quran and how to pray. eat together and training together. this is the life of the young children in syria and iraq. this video is to show how the Islamic State children life. they sending a message to the world. this video is document the life of the children inside the islamic state. PLEASE READ FIRST TO UNDERSTAND: We are a neutral Group of Filmmakers and workers on Youtube and want to inform the Users on this News Channel about the wars in the Arabic States. we just put this videos online without supporting the contents of the video. we dissociate our selfs from the actions in them. all we do is uploading the videos. not much than this and not less. "AllEyesOnSyria" is not a shocker Channel and we do not want you entertain. We document the war in the Arab countries (Syria, Iraq, Palestine and Egypt). these videos are not intended to shock, we only want to inform. Please note we archive these videos on Youtube for all Time. it will be one day historically. we obey the rules of youtube and are forced videos to retouch and edit - so these Videos are edit, blurred and cutted only if the video is brutal. Our viewers are over 18 and we blurred these videos for all the people under 18 - If you are under 18 years please leave our channel. We do our job on youtube to upload daily the news. we edit fierce, brutal and execution videos. Info in Arabic: معلومات لمشاهدي هذا الفيديو : نحن نقوم يومياً بطرح الصور و الفيديوهات التي تبين الواقع الراهن في البلاد العربية. لا نهدف للتسلية و إنما لإعطائكم المعلومات على الواقع في بلادنا. الفيديوهات المطروحة لدينا لسن ما فوق ال18 و لكن النظام المتبع في اليوتوب يجبرنا على اخفاء اللقطات العنيفة. نحن نحاول في صفحتنا كل العيون على سورية عمل أرشيف تاريخي لتوثيق هذه الحقائق دون انتمائنا لأي جهة كانت. ملاحظة : لتكون زبونا دائما لدينا اضغط على المربع الأحمر ( اشتراك ) و ذلك ( مجانا ) ثم اكتب تعليقك على الفيديو و أدل برأيك إن كان إيجابيا أو سلبيا بالضغط على ( لايك) يمكنك مشاهدة الفيديوهات باللغة الانكليزية بالضغط على Like ✔Share ✔Comment✔ ► Please subscribe AllEyesOnSyria on Youtube ► Please follow AllEyesOnSyria on Google+ What do you think about this video ? AllEyesOnSyria just upload the Videos. ► Check out the Playlists on the Main Channel: FSA, Syrian army, Jabhat al Nusra, Islamic State, Palestine and Iraqi Army

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